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Land use


BC2C (Biophysical Capacity to Change) is a tool for estimating catchment scale water and salt export quantities, following changes in landuse in upland catchments. Intended for use with regional data sets, it gives an indication of changes under different scenarios (e.g. change in percentage tree cover) that can be used to pin-point and prioritise areas for further investigation.


CLASS-CGM (Crop Growth Model) can be used to simulate growth of main C3 field crop types such as wheat, barley, canola, sunflowers and C4 field crop types such as maize and sorghum. CLASS-CGM can also be used to simulate crop growth impacts on water balance from CLASS-U3M-1D.


CLASS-PGM (Pasture Growth Model) can be used to simulate growth of composite pasture types of multiple perennial or annual pasture species and to simulate pasture growth impacts on water balance from CLASS-U3M-1D.


Concept is a conceptual diagram drawing package that can be used to communicate dynamic relationships between multiple elements.


FCFC (Forest Cover Flow Change model) is used to adjust daily time series observed or simulated flow records for significant changes in forest cover. It is applicable to small to medium unregulated catchments with major changes in the proportion of forest cover and can be used to adjust inputs to larger scale catchment models.


SedNet identifies sources and sinks of sediment and nutrients in river networks and predicts spatial patterns of erosion and sediment load. This tool can help target management actions to improve water quality and riverine habitat.

Source - public version

Source - public version, is a special version of eWater Source – Australia's national hydrological modelling platform. It is designed to simulate all aspects of water resource systems to support Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) studies in urban, catchments and river basins including human and ecological influences.

eWater Source — an Australian-wide collaboration effort backed by the Australian government — is built to meet the myriad climatic, geographic, water policy and governance settings across the country.

eWater Source is Australia’s national hydrological modelling platform which integrates water resource assessment with policy. An adaptive customisable platform which enables the technical assessment of water balance is combined with a unique governance modelling capability to produce water accounts and operate rivers according to agreements and treaties. Source is the outcome of two decades of collaboration between State and Federal Government water organisations, leading universities, water utilities and regional rural water authorities through the eWater CRC and it’s predecessors the CRC for Catchment Hydrology and the CRC for Freshwater Ecology. Endorsed and defensible – Source has been endorsed by the Council of Australian Governments as the national hydrological modelling platform. This free version is limited to 20 nodes. For all enquiries please phone +61 2 6201 5168 or email

Can't decide?

Consult the Model Choice series to help you choose the right catchment model for your needs.

Model Choice

Link to the section on model choice
Volume 1 | Volume 2

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