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Ecological Modeller Online is a database containing quantitative models of the ecological responses of species to physical and biological factors. All models in the database were created using, and for use in, the Ecological Modeller software, which enables the building, storing and running of models to compare the merits of alternative natural resource management solutions

You can freely search this database using this page, however if you want to use these models or contribute your own, you must do this using the Ecological Modeller software.

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All models in this database have been uploaded by Ecological Modeller users and feature detailed information regarding their pedigree and levels of confidence in the sources of information used to create the model. eWater takes no responsibility for decisions made on the basis of data provided in these models.


River Red Gum Forest Recruitment - Hattah Lakes, Victoria

Version: 1
Authors: Marsh, N. Little, S. (2011)


This model has been produced from the Hattah Lakes Project which was an eWater CRC project conducted by Yorb, MDBA, MDFRC, and Griffith University. The input times series is the daily proportion of River Red Gum Forest area inundated. The proportion was determined by dividing the daily area of forest inundated by the maximum forest area inundated under the pre development conditions. Suitable conditions are defined as and event duration, and a prefered time of of year. MFAT values were used to define the preferences.

Spiny Mudgrass Grassland, Recruitment - Hattah Lakes, Victoria

Version: 1
Authors: Marsh, N. Little, S. (2011)


This model has been produced from the Hattah Lakes Project which was an eWater CRC project conducted by Yorb, MDBA, MDFRC, and Griffith University. The input times series is the daily proportion of maximum depth (i.e. 0=emply, and 1 = maximum depth). The depths are based on the average depth across Lake Hattah. Suitable conditions are defined as proportion of max depth range, a preferred time of year for this depth range, the return period and a preference for the rate of depth change. The model is based on the average depth as used in the Murray Flows Assessment Tool, however future refinements of this model should focus on more input data, such as proportion of area within a preference depth range.

Waterfowl and Grebes, Breeding - Hattah lakes, Victoria

Version: 1
Authors: Marsh, N. Little, S. (2011)


This model has been produced from the Hattah Lakes Project which was an eWater CRC project conducted by Yorb, MDBA, MDFRC, and Griffith University. This is a general bird breeding model applicable for waterfowl and grebes, which includes: grebes, ducks - grey teal, pink-eared, pacific black hardhead, maned, Australiasian shoveler, plumed whistler, freckled. A seperate but similar model is used for the breeding requirements of colonial nesting waterbirds. The model has a magnitude preference based on the proportion of the wetland inundated, the duration of inundation, the return period between inundations and the maximum rate of change. The rate of change feature is to represent of effect of nest abandonment with rapidly dropping water levels


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