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Best Practice Modelling Guidelines

Guidelines for water management modelling eWater has published these guidelines to promote a best practice, quality assured approach to application of modelling tools, primarily to address water management problems, and provision of decision support to end-users of model results. The Guidelines for water management modelling: Towards best-practice model application are the first of the hierarchy of more detailed supporting guidelines for model domains relevant to eWater Source. The latest supporting documents are: Guidelines for modelling water sharing rules Guidelines for rainfall-runoff modelling Guidelines for groundwater-surfacewater interactions modelling. Guidelines for modelling rainfall-funoff modelling Guidelines for modelling groundwater-surface water interaction


LIZA (Landcover for the use Zone of Australia) is a collection of maps and GIS data that provide landcover type for 1990 and 1995 for the intensive use zone of Australia. Canopy height and cover categories are provided for woody vegetation cover types where available.


SHPA (Soil Hydrological Properties of Australia) is a collection of maps and GIS data that provide estimates of soil hydrologic properties across Australia based on the Atlas of Australian Soils and interpretations by Neil McKenzie.


Water Quality Analyser is for water managers, scientists and engineers who need to analyse time-series, monitor in-stream water quality, estimate pollutant loads, or set future water quality targets.


With a straight-forward user interface and a focus on visualising data inputs and outputs, Water Quality Analyser helps to identify water quality trends and simplifies the path to a summary assessment.


Can't decide?

Consult the Model Choice series to help you choose the right catchment model for your needs.

Model Choice

Link to the section on model choice
Volume 1 | Volume 2

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