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Eco Evidence is a useful tool for anyone required to review literature on a specific topic of interest, particularly those seeking answers to cause-and-effect questions from existing literature. Eco Evidence facilitates evaluation and causal assessment in environmental management, and allows better use of the extensive pool of published research. Working with Eco Evidence, users can search and access a reusable ‘knowledge bank’ to obtain a list of citations relevant to specific cause-effect associations and the ‘atomised’ information extracted from scientific papers on which to base an evidence-based systematic literature review or causal assessment.


Eco Modeller is a tool for building, storing and running quantitative models of ecological responses to physical and biological factors, for use in comparing the merits of alternative natural resource management scenarios.


eFlow uses environmental flow objectives to generate an altered flow regime and determine how much additional water would be required to achieve the new flow regime.


FCFC (Forest Cover Flow Change model) is used to adjust daily time series observed or simulated flow records for significant changes in forest cover. It is applicable to small to medium unregulated catchments with major changes in the proportion of forest cover and can be used to adjust inputs to larger scale catchment models.


IHACRES (Identification of unit Hydrographs And Component flows from Rainfall, Evaporation and Streamflow data) is a catchment-scale, rainfall-streamflow, modelling methodology that characterises the dynamic relationship between rainfall and streamflow, using rainfall and temperature (or potential evaporation) data, and predicts streamflow.


NSFM (Non-parametric Seasonal Forecasting Model) forecasts continuous exceedance probabilities of streamflow (or any other hydroclimate variable).


RAP (River Analysis Package) is a collection of 3 tools: Hydraulic Analysis - examines the hydraulic characteristics of river channels to determine the optimal discharge for a river reach based on specified rules. Time Series Analysis - calculates summary statistics of time series data, including hydrological metrics. Time Series Manager - manipulates and manages time series data.


RRL (Rainfall-Runoff Library) simulates catchment runoff by using daily rainfall and evapotranspiration data. The models may be applied to catchments from 10 km2 to 10,000 km2 on a daily time step.

Source - public version

Source - public version, is a special version of eWater Source – Australia's national hydrological modelling platform. It is designed to simulate all aspects of water resource systems to support Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) studies in urban, catchments and river basins including human and ecological influences.

eWater Source — an Australian-wide collaboration effort backed by the Australian government — is built to meet the myriad climatic, geographic, water policy and governance settings across the country.

eWater Source is Australia’s national hydrological modelling platform which integrates water resource assessment with policy. An adaptive customisable platform which enables the technical assessment of water balance is combined with a unique governance modelling capability to produce water accounts and operate rivers according to agreements and treaties. Source is the outcome of two decades of collaboration between State and Federal Government water organisations, leading universities, water utilities and regional rural water authorities through the eWater CRC and it’s predecessors the CRC for Catchment Hydrology and the CRC for Freshwater Ecology. Endorsed and defensible – Source has been endorsed by the Council of Australian Governments as the national hydrological modelling platform. This free version is limited to 20 nodes. For all enquiries please phone +61 2 6201 5168 or email


Water Quality Analyser is for water managers, scientists and engineers who need to analyse time-series, monitor in-stream water quality, estimate pollutant loads, or set future water quality targets.


With a straight-forward user interface and a focus on visualising data inputs and outputs, Water Quality Analyser helps to identify water quality trends and simplifies the path to a summary assessment.


Can't decide?

Consult the Model Choice series to help you choose the right catchment model for your needs.

Model Choice

Link to the section on model choice
Volume 1 | Volume 2

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