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New Application: WRAM

(posted Dec 13, 2004)

WRAM, a new software application to simulate water allocation and trading between irrigation areas, is available from the Toolkit web site. The Water Reallocation Model (WRAM) is a Windows application to simulate water allocation and trading between irrigation areas. Based on an economic optimisation model, WRAM can be integrated with hydrologic network models for assessing water resources management plans. In addition, WRAM performs standard input-output analysis, and integrates input-output accounts in value terms with water accounts in physical units to assess the impact of water reallocation on regional economy. You can find out more about WRAM and download the software from the WRAM web site: To get started using the software, read through the WRAM User Guide which is available from the 'Documentation' section of the web site. You can also experiment with WRAM by looking at the sample 'Project' files that are distributed with WRAM ('File->Open...') If you have any questions about using WRAM, please join the WRAM e-group (an email discussion list for the software), by visiting the 'User Support' section of the web page.

For more information, please contact:

Name: Jake MacMullin

Phone: 02 6246 5822


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