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MUSIC v4; FAWB Guidelines; MUSIC Modelling Guidelines for SEQ

(posted Dec 2, 2009)

eWater, with FAWB (Facility for Advancing Water Biofiltration) in Melbourne, and Water By Design (in Brisbane) jointly launched MUSIC version 4 and two new sets of guidelines during November and December 2009 at two separate events.

Focused on improving water sensitive urban design, MUSIC is one of the leading water sensitive urban design planning tools in the world. It also showcases FAWB's world leading research in biofiltration.

The launch in Melbourne in November demonstrated aspects of MUSIC v4 and the FAWB Guidelines. And in Brisbane in December, the launch demonstrated the MUSIC Modelling Guidelines for SEQ, and the MUSIC v4 software.

At each event, the speakers also discussed the science, usability and applicability of the tools. The speakers, all of whom are developers, trainers and/or practitioners in MUSIC, included Tony Wong (AECOM and FAWB), Tim Fletcher (FAWB), Tony Weber (WBM BMT), Ana Deletic (FAWB), Dale Browne (AECOM), Belinda Hatt (FAWB), and Tim Blackman (eWater).

For more information, please visit or phone eWater on 1300-5-WATER (1300 592 837).

For more information, please contact:

Name: Tamara Posch

Phone: 02 6201 5834


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