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Redesign of the IHACRES rainfall-runoff model

Croke, B.F.W., F. Andrews, A.J. Jakeman, S.M. Cuddy and A. Luddy (2005)

The PC-WINDOWS version of the IHACRES rainfall-runoff model (Littlewood et al, 1997) has been extensively used in surface water hydrology applications. The core of the model consists of a non-linear loss module that converts rainfall into effective rainfall, and a linear routing module that converts effective rainfall into streamflow. Recent construction of a new class of non-linear loss modules, as well as alternative model calibration techniques, has resulted in a redevelopment of the model. The redevelopment has been carried out in the Java programming language in order to make the model more widely available. The model is available through the Catchment Modelling Toolkit ( New features included in the new version of the model include: the original non-linear loss module (including the extension for ephemeral catchments made by Ye et al, 1997); extension of the linear routing module to include all possible second order transfer functions; a cross correlation tool; additional goodness of fit indicators; visualisation tools including zoomable and 3-D plots. Features currently underdevelopment include baseflow filtering, direct estimation of the unit hydrograph, spectral analysis tools and the catchment moisture deficit version of the non-linear module.

Full Citation:
Croke, B.F.W., F. Andrews, A.J. Jakeman, S.M. Cuddy and A. Luddy, Redesign of the IHACRES rainfall-runoff model, 29th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Water Capital, Engineers Australia, 21-23 February, 2005 (ISBN 085 825 8439).

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