The Rainfall Runoff Library (RRL) is designed to simulate catchment runoff by using daily rainfall and evapotranspiration data. The models may be applied to catchments from 10 km2 to 10,000 km2 on a daily time step. The models are typically used to fill gaps and extend streamflow records.
Target user group
RRL is designed for hydrologists that need to simulate streamflows and for students wanting to learn about rainfall runoff models.
RRL is designed for use by a range of hydrologists. To produce robust streamflows from the models, it requires a sound knowledge of rainfall runoff models. The RRL software and supporting documentation enable users to easily calibrate rainfall runoff models of catchments.
Example applications
The RRL does not have any specific example applications, however the models contained with the RRL have been applied to many catchments. The examples provided with the RRL have been compared to results from the original models to ensure that the RRL is accurately reproducing answers.
Overview of features, advantage and benefits