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Phone: 1300 5 WATER (1300 5 92837)

Innovation Centre
University of Canberra
ACT 2601



Aquacycle is a daily urban water balance model which has been developed to simulate the total urban water cycle as an integrated whole and provide a tool for investigating the use of locally generated stormwater and wastewater as a substitute for imported water alongside water use efficiency. The model is intended as a gaming tool rather than a design tool, giving an overall impression on the feasibility for using stormwater and wastewater at a particular site.

Target user group

Aquacycle is designed for urban stormwater engineers, planners, policy staff and managers in consultancies and state, regional and local government agencies.


Aquacycle is designed for use by a range of urban water industry professionals. It requires a clear understanding of the underlying modelling algorithms and associated assumptions that underpin the model which are described in the user friendly supporting documentation.

Example applications

Aquacycle is used to assess the relative merits of a range of water servicing alternatives for urban developments during the initial planning and preliminary design phases.

Overview of features, advantage and benefits

Aquacycle represents the total urban water cycle, allowing complex integrated urban water management scenarios to be quickly and efficiently analysed. The results either viewed in range of graphical and tabular formats or exported for the user to examine in depth.

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