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Phone: 1300 5 WATER (1300 5 92837)

Innovation Centre
University of Canberra
ACT 2601

History & Credit

Version history

Version 1.0.0

Released: Mar 8, 2005
Licence Date: Mar 8, 2005

Version 1.0.0 replaces the beta version of Aquacycle.

No changes made to the input data file structure so you can still load the input files previously used with the beta. Although, it is important to note that the units of the rainwater tank first flush have been changed from a millimetre depth to litres. To convert the first flush input value into litre units, multiply the mm depth value by the value of the associate roof area in m2. The default file extension names have been altered, although the model will load files regardless of its extension. Just click on the down arrow in the file type list box and select the All Files option.

The name of the input data file directory has been changed from ?Aquacycle/Input? to ?Aquacycle/Data?.

Bugs Fixed

  • The bug associated with public open space areas being reduced when a cluster stormwater and wastewater stores has an exposed surface area has been corrected.
  • Minor errors in the results screen graphs have been corrected.
  • Aquacycle should no longer crash if an output file is already open (and so can?t be overwritten). Instead it informs the user of the problem and doesn?t write the output files. The results of the simulation run can still be viewed in the results screen though.
  • Aquacycle is no longer rounding occupancy to an integer for occupancies less than 7, so water usage will reflect the occupancy as input rather than as a rate rounded to the nearest whole person. Linear interpolation is used to calculate the water usage rates for a household when the occupancy is a non-integer value equal to less than 7.
  • If an overflow error occurs in the code, usually triggered by dividing something by zero, the model should no longer crash but instead inform the user there was a general error ? it is very hard to provide more specific diagnostics for these types of errors.
  • The error associated with saving of group files in the interface has been removed.


  • The equivalent population function has been disabled ? it was more confusing than anything else. If non-residential water usage is to be represented it now should be done explicitly via a separate ?non-residential? cluster. This means all imported water usage has an associated land area. The modeller must assign an ?occupancy? which results in the correct amount of water being used indoors within the non-residential unit blocks.
  • Can now unload all current input values and files.
  • Are now able to create, edit and save the water profile file within the interface.
  • Now able to load and run up to 100 years of climate.
  • Rainwater tank first flush in now directed to unit block stormwater runoff rather than the wastewater system as was in the beta version.
  • Areas don?t have to be as accurate as previously. The tolerance has been eased so it runs without comment if the areas are within 1% and asked f the user want s to run even though the results could be a bit incorrect if the areas are 1-5% out.
  • The user can specify where results files are written to in the main screen, which no longer must be the default results directory created when the software is installed. But the input files still must be located in a directory called ?Data?. The root of this directory still must be where the Aquacycle program (Aquacycle.exe) has been installed and is automatically created when the software is installed.
  • An error message has been added about potentially not having creating a results directory for the output files to be written to.
  • Headers defining the items in the output files expanded to clarify their meaning. Also more explicit about the units of the values, particularly if it is per household or for the whole cluster.
  • Volumes (as opposed to mm depths) in the annual output files can be either kL/y or ML/y. The default is kL/y within the main screen.
  • Amount of evaporation from water stores has been added to output files.
  • Average annual results values have been added to the tables in the results screen and the annual output files.


Development Team: Grace Mitchell. Development History: Beta version released in 2000 and reviewed in 2004. Version 1 released in 2005.

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