Features and Limitations
Input Data
Output Data
The main outputs from BC2C are catchment scale water and salt export quantities following a change in landuse.
Outputs are presented as annual timeseries for each Groundwater Response Unit (GRU) of salt in tonnes and discharge in ML.
Caution Notes For User
BC2C is a simple prioritisation model which does not predict daily/monthly/annual changes in water and salt balance ? it uses long-term average values.
BC2C is intended for local-upland catchments ? areas where groundwater flow lengths are typically less than 10 km.
BC2C uses simple and representative groundwater properties, and while it operates at a single GFS (Ground Flow Systems) scale, its results should be aggregated to a whole-of-catchment level.
Software testing
Model algorithms: The results have been compared against those of the original ArcInfo implementation of BC2C. Small differences can exist between Toolkit and ArcInfo results due to generalisation or transfer of data from raster to vector based models. These do not appear to affect the utility of the results for the purposes listed in the User Guide.
Software use: The software has been run using datasets from several catchments.