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Phone: 1300 5 WATER (1300 5 92837)

Innovation Centre
University of Canberra
ACT 2601

Features and Limitations

Input Data

Input data includes site-specific information such as the chute width, drop and length, apron rise and length, and range of flows. The downstream boundary condition may be specified from a rating table; from a uniform depth assumption; from critical depth + 10%; or from an average of uniform depth and critical depth + 10%. A rating table is normally developed externally from a separate backwater program such as HEC-RAS. Selection of the uniform depth assumption requires additional information on the characteristics of the downstream channel. In addition, the input requirements include rock characteristics (natural angle of repose and specific gravity) and a design factor of safety.

Output Data

Output from the program is of two types ? tabular and graphical.

Tabulated data includes required rock size, bank angle, downstream depth and jump conditions throughout the specified flow range, and full hydraulic characteristics at the computed critical flow rate.

Graphical data includes full hydraulic profiles at the critical flow rate and required rock size and downstream depth as a function of flow rate.

Caution Notes For User

It must be noted that the CHUTE program performs the hydraulic analysis only.

Other important aspects include rock gradation, filter design, cutoff wall and crest design, and protection against outflanking. These issues are discussed in the Design Guidelines but are not part of the CHUTE software.

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