Acknowledgements The CHUTE program was developed from an early DOS-based version of the same name, produced by Ian Drummond and Associates (now Earth Tech Pty. Ltd.). The permission of Dr. John Tilleard to freely use algorithms from the early version and material from the original guidelines is gratefully acknowledged.
Development history The original DOS-based version of the program CHUTE and the original Design Guidelines were developed by Ian Drummond and Associates (now Earth Tech Pty. Ltd.) in 1989 under contract to the State Rivers and Water Supply Commission of the State of Victoria.
Future development in the future, the CHUTE program may be recast in the TIME modelling framework. This will integrate all of the algorithms within the CHUTE program into a complete package providing an easy to use Graphical User Interface (GUI) i.e. windows, menus, dialogues and setup wizards. It will also provide a means to access data provided in different formats and display results in various graphical forms.The configurations and results from CHUTE will be saved in a project file that can be saved, printed or reused at a later date. The CHUTE software will conform to the Catchment Modelling Toolkit standards including the software version control system and the source code will be in a form that can be readily developed by others or integrated into other packages if required.