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Innovation Centre
University of Canberra
ACT 2601

Features and Limitations

Input Data

Spatial data:

  • The primary input for Class Spatial Analyst is the digital elevation model (DEM) for the catchment of interest.
  • Soil Landscapes map for the catchment. There is a unique value field associated with this spatial layer which joins the two soil parameter files (for calculating soil depth and soil salinity) with the geographic feature.
  • FLAG Upness Index, used to distribute soil EC. If FLAG Upness Index is not available, CTI calculated within CLASS Spatial Analyst will be used as a surrogate.
  • Salt outbreak map, used to distribute soil EC among saline and non-saline areas.
  • Map with the location of drill points for input climate data.
  • Map with the location of gauging stations. If this is not available, the user can select the catchment outlet directly on the screen.

Other data:

  • A table with parameters to estimate soil depth and soil material/horizon distribution.
  • A table with parameters to distribute soil salinity among saline and non-saline areas in the catchment.
  • A folder called ?Climate Data? which contains the daily climate files associated with the map with the location of drill points.

Output Data

Spatial Data:

  • Depressionless DEM, D8 flow direction, D8 flow accumulation, stream network, D8 watershed, bufferred DEM;
  • flow direction, D∞ contributing area, CTI, D∞ watershed, influence and dependence diagram for a user defined point or area;
  • Clipped climate drill points, interpolated rainfall surface and delineated rainfall zones;
  • MrVBF index for the whole catchment;
  • Estimates of total soil depth and soil depth for each soil horizon/material;
  • Soil salinity for each soil horizon.

Other Data:

    Climate file which contains average daily climate data for each climate zone.

Caution Notes For User

This program can not be used in areas where digital elevation model (DEM) coverage is not available.

If the user coarsens the DEM to more than a reasonable pixel size (>100m), the estimates of total soil depth and soil depth of each horizon might not be reliable.

Where possible, the outputs from CLASS Spatial Analyst are validated against available datasets. Field validation was done for soil depths estimated by Spatial Analyst in the Snowy catchments of Delegate, Bombala and McLachlan and it clearly indicates that Spatial Analyst was able to estimate the soil depth across all the catchments reasonably well (Murphy et al., 2005a, 2005b).

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