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Phone: 1300 5 WATER (1300 5 92837)

Innovation Centre
University of Canberra
ACT 2601



The Forest Cover Flow Change tool (FCFC) is designed to adjust a time series of observed or simulated daily flow to account for significant changes in forest cover. The model may be applied to catchments from 100 ha to 1,000 km2. The model is typically used to adjust inputs to larger scale catchment models.

Target user group

FCFC is designed for hydrologists, engineers, policy staff and managers in consultancies and state agencies involved in water resource management and planning.


FCFC is a relatively simple tool using a wizard style interface that steps through input data, analysis and generation of new time series of flows. Users can readily generate different time series of flow for different proportions of forest cover.

Example applications

FCFC has been validated in small catchments in Australia and South Africa. FCFC may be used to adjust simulated or observed flows as a function of major changes in forest cover. This could subsequently be used in larger catchment models to look at the changes to flow access and impacts on yields for storages.

Overview of features, advantage and benefits

FCFC provides a user friendly interface to allow for rapid adjustment of daily flow time series for changes in forest cover in the upstream catchment. This provides users with a means of identifying the change in flow regime due to changes in forest cover.

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