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Phone: 1300 5 WATER (1300 5 92837)

Innovation Centre
University of Canberra
ACT 2601

Features and Limitations

Input Data

Users need to define a decision problem consisting of a set of decision options and a set of criteria. Further data that need to be entered are the criteria scores (the performance of a decision option regarding the defined criteria) the project costs and the available total budget. All these data can be entered within MCAT. Apart from that no specific input data are required.

Output Data

MCAT?s computational results are provided in plain text format. These files contain the definition of the decision problem in terms of all decision options and their costs, information about the criteria including their weights and the evaluation matrix that holds all criteria scores. All computed benefit scores and a binary flag (0/1) indicating if a project is part of the optimal portfolio (1 = Yes, 0 = No) are provided as well. All created charts can be copied to the clipboard and pasted to any application supporting the pasting of graphical objects. All chart data can be saved to a text file as well.

Caution Notes For User

MCAT does not support any multi criteria evaluation algorithm. The MCA algorithm that is supported is Compromise Programming. However MCAT allows the import of utility or benefits scores computed with other algorithms (or software, respectively) which need to be provided in a column based text file. Last but not least, MCAT is a decision support tool. Its aim is to help structuring and analysing a decision problem and provide guidance through the decision process. It is designed to make a decision process more auditable. Its results must therefore not be considered mandatory.

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