This data collection form provides a framework that breaks down typical cost elements and prompts users to provide all of the basic costing data that is necessary for undertaking a life cycle cost analysis. The form has been designed to be consistent with the intent and terminology of the Australian and New Zealand Standard for Life Cycle Costing (AS/NZS 4536:1999). It is hoped that Australian stormwater managers will use this form to collect high quality data sets for stormwater treatment measures that represent best practice design. Use of the form will help researchers to easily analyse the data to develop publicly available tools that can be used to estimate costs associated with stormwater treatment measures (e.g. the life cycle costing module in the MUSIC software - see Music).
Note that high quality costing data on vegetated treatment measures is particularly valuable to Australian stormwater managers, given its rarity. Also note that incomplete data sets are still useful to researchers analysing costing data (e.g. information on just a measure s capital / acquisition cost and its size can still be used).