There are no 'versions' of TIME in the same way that other Toolkit products have a version 1, version 2 etc. Rather, TIME is released incrementally and continuously to TIME developers using a version control server accessed using the freely available CVS software.
To get access to TIME to develop models, contact Joel Rahman (joel.rahman@csiro.au).
TIME was initially developed by researchers within the CRC for Catchment Hydrology. eWater continues to develop the core capability of the framework, while researchers and developers from both within and beyond the CRC are using TIME to develop models.
Many developers have used TIME for their own projects, contributing ideas, feedback and, in many cases, useful components back into the core team. Nick Marsh (Griffith University), David Verrelli (University of Melbourne) and Daniel Bennett (University of Melbourne) have used TIME to develop the River Analysis Package (RAP) for the toolkit. Ben Leighton, (CSIRO Land and Water) John Gallant (CSIRO Land and Water), David Pullar (University of Queensland) and others are using TIME to develop a library of terrain analysis products. Stephen Wealands and Andrew Western (University of Melbourne) are using TIME to support Stephen?s research into pattern analysis for hydrologic modelling.
The development of TIME has been greatly informed by the development of two other modelling frameworks: