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TREND User Guide

User Guide for TREND Version 1.0.2

TREND_User_Guide.pdf (567.95kB)

TREND Workshop Presentation

TrendWorkshop.ppt is a powerpoint presentation used for the Trend/Change Workshop in the CRC for Catchment Hydrology's 'Catchment Modelling School 2005' in Brisbane and Sydney. It presents an overview of the need for analysing data for trend/change, exploratory data analysis, basic concepts in statistical testing and types of statistical tests.

TRENDWorkshop.ppt (480.50kB)

TREND Tests in Excel Spreadsheet

TrendTests.xls shows the statistical tests set up in an Excel spreadsheet. The user can gain a good appreciation of the statistical tests by following the descriptions in Section 4.2 of the TREND User Guide and the examples in TrendTests.xls.

TrendTests.xls (139.00kB)

Toolkit Data File Formats

This document provides an overview of file formats commonly used in TIME and relevant Catchment Modelling Toolkit products, with associated file extensions. Small examples of data files for relevant text formats are also provided.

Toolkit_file_formats.pdf (325.92kB)

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