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Features and Limitations

Input Data

Input data should be in *.csv file format.

Output Data

Outputs can be generated either in pdf format or in xls format Contents in some output windows (e.g. diagram, tables) can be exported as plain text reports and are saved as plain text files (*.txt).

Caution Notes For User

Although every possible action has been taken to ensure that all the algorithms were accurately captured in the program code, software bugs and calculation errors in critical algorithms would cause inaccurate estimates to be made by certain WQA tools. The occurrence of software bugs and calculation errors would be mitigated by a rigorous quality assurance process for WQA as detailed in our quality assurance plan for products.

WQA consists of some knowledge-bases and decision support capabilities. Knowledge and information used in this type of system have a limited life span as knowledge is constantly changing with time. Therefore periodic upgrades are required to maintain the integrity and validity of these components as the system will become obsolete otherwise.

In order to avoid abuse of these utilities, end users need to be well aware about the boundary conditions, limitations, input data requirements and the required skills to use these utilities.

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