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SCL requires a continuous time series as input data.
The type of data and time step of data that is required depend on the stochastic data that is required. For example: to generate annual rainfall, a continuous annual rainfall time series is required as input data; to generate daily climate (rainfall, PET and temperature), a continuous daily rainfall, PET and temperature time series is required as input data.
All the models except the subdaily rainfall model in SCL require that there is no missing data in the time series.
Various time series data formats supported by SCL are detailed at It is recommended that comma delimited time series (.cdt) format is used for the annual, monthly and daily models. Currently only Bureau of Meteorology six-minute rainfall intensity (.bsm) file format is recommended for the sub-daily rainfall model.
As a general rule, the input data should have at least 30 years of historical climate time series.