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University of Canberra
ACT 2601


Title - select for more information Author and date
Stochastic Generation of Annual Rainfall Data. Ratnasingham Srikanthan, George Kuczera, Mark Thyer, TomMcMahon (2002)
Stochastic Generation of Monthly Rainfall Data. Srikanthan, R., McMahon, T.A. and Sharma, A. (2002)
Evaluation of Two Daily Rainfall Data Generation Models. Siriwardena, L., Srikanthan, R. and McMahon, T.A. (2002)
Stochastic Generation of Climate Data: A Review. Srikanthan, R. and McMahon, T.A. (2000)
Stochastic Generation of Climate Data Ratnasingham Srikanthan Senlin Zhou (2003)
Stochastic Models for Generating Annual, Monthly and Daily Rainfall and Climate Data at a Site Ratnasingham Srikanthan, Francis Chiew (2003)
Stochastic Generation of Rainfall and Evaporation Data Srikanthan, R. and Mc Mahon, T. (1985)
Stochastic Generation of Point Rainfall Data at Subdaily Timescales: A Comparison of DRIP and NSRP. Andrew Frost, R. Srikanthan, & Paul Cowpertwait. (2004)
Stochastic Generation of Daily Rainfall at a Number of Sites Ratnasingham Srikanthan (2005)

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