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History & Credit

Version history


Released: Sep 7, 2018
Licence Date: Jan 10, 2006

Changes in this version
  • Updated the software to support newer versions of Windows.


Released: Jan 10, 2006
Licence Date: Jan 10, 2006

Released: Jan 10, 2006 Release notes for SedNet 2.0.0

This release sees the addition of nutrient budgets for Nitrogen and Phosphorus. Separate budgets are constructed for particulate, dissolved inorganic and dissolved organic forms. Several interface improvements have also been made to facilitate viewing of scenario attributes, the summary budget and to allow comparison between scenarios. A summary of the changes is below.

We recommend that users familiarise themselves with the changes as they are fully described in the relevant sections of the updated User Guide, as listed in the Document History table at the front of the User Guide.

Technical improvements in addition to the nitrogen and phosphorus budgets:

  • The method for applying the MAF hydrology regionalisation has been modified resulting in improved performance particularly in large catchments.
  • A transient bedload budget is available as an option that improves prediction of bedload accumulation by representing the transient response to an increase in erosion rates, including the residence time of bedload as moves through each link.
  • Hillslope cover factor is now entered using a landuse-based lookup table, to facilitate scenario modelling. In the updated sample dataset, the landuse lookup table is in the ?Data/Tables? folder (this reference is omitted in the User Guide tutorial). Hillslope erosion (USLE) grids can still be used directly as explained in the User Guide.
Interface improvements
  • The Scenario Manager window provides Copy, Delete and Export scenario buttons. The Run Scenario button is now in the Scenario Editor window. Access to the Contributor View is now via the Scenario Attributes window.
  • The differences between two scenarios can be inspected in the Scenario Attribute and Summary Budget windows by loading a second scenario using the "Load to Compare" button in the Scenario Manager.
  • The natural ("pre-European") comparison has been removed from each scenario. Natural scenarios can now be created using an option in the New Scenario Wizard; using appropriate datasets for natural conditions including landuse and hillslope vegetation cover.
  • Scenario Attributes are now listed in a tree view. Attributes that are unsuitable for use in targeting management measures, because they scale with link length or sub-catchment area (e.g: bank erosion t/y), are listed under "Extras".
  • The Summary Budget is presented in a tree view, and can be easily exported for viewing in a spreadsheet.
  • Exporting a scenario now provides the link data in a csv file. For viewing in GIS software, the csv file can be joined to the network shapefile using the link ID field. Using csv files avoids the 8 character limit for field names in dbf files, and so the exported field names are now unambiguous.
  • It is no longer necessary to "run" regulated flow; this happens automatically when the scenario runs.
Backwards compatability
  • Scenarios that were created in version 1.4.0 onwards can be used in Version 2 for viewing, editing and simulating catchment changes to sediment budgets (i.e. in the same way as for prior versions). The new (improved) hydrology method is not applied to scenarios created in Version 1 when they are opened in Version 2. Editing hillslope erosion in Version 1 scenarios requires use of the landuse lookup table as described above. Nutrient budgets should not be added to Version 1 scenarios or copies thereof, this is due to an error in the (unused) component of the hyrology module in Version 1 that is used to calculate dissolved nutrient supply in Version 2. Building nutrient budgets should only be done using the New Scenario Wizard.
Known issues
  • Windows displaying link data are prone to displaying remnants of previous values. Closing and reopening the program is the best way to solve this problem.
  • Directly editing multiple values in the Gully Erosion and Riparian Vegetation windows is sometimes prevented. The workaround is to use the slider bars when editing multiple links.
  • Some normal program warning messages are incorrectly displayed as error messages.
  • The gauge name field in flow gauge shape files must be in number format, not text.
  • Defining a stream network on DEMs with greater than 20 million cells may result in a memory over-run crash. This over-run is caused by a .NET limitation on memory allocation. It is possible to overcome this memory limitation by instructing SedNet to use "Compressed" grids. This is done in the Edit Raster Properties tool by specifying a threshold beyond which SedNet will compress the grids in memory. The default threshold is 30 million cells. If you are experiencing memory issues and your grids have more cells than the specified threshold, go to the same menu item and reduce the value of "Tile Height". CAUTION: The method of compressing grids is not fully tested yet. Grid compression is generally of most importance in the pit filler and stream-define algorithms. Grid compression significantly slows processing; it may take 48 hours or more to run stream define on a DEM above 40 million cells.
  • The progress bars for several processing steps do not clearly indicate progress; for large catchment datasets, the program may not respond for some time during normal operation for these steps.
  • Grids in .flt format may cause a crash. The work-around is to always use the .asc format when creating and loading grids.


Released: Jul 20, 2005
Licence Date: Jun 23, 2005

SedNet 1.4.1

This release provides a fix for a bug in SedNet 1.4.0. The bug is in the Hillslope Erosion tool and is encountered when calculating an updated hillslope erosion grid from a changed landuse grid.

The bug is only present in release 1.4.0 and not in other releases. The bug exists only in the Hillslope Erosion tool of SedNet 1.4.0. Specifically, the bug is encountered if there exists NULL data (usually coded -9999) in any area of the cfactor grid that is covered by the landuse grid.


Released: Jun 23, 2005
Licence Date: Jun 23, 2005

SedNet Version 1.4.0

In summary, this release is intended primarily to increase the usability of SedNet by providing improved features for data loading, landuse change and data exporting. A new tool for disaggregating sediment loads to investigate temporal patterns of suspended sediment delivery is also included.

Improvements in this release

  • The data loading steps in the New Configuration wizard and the New Scenario wizard have been modified to enhance usability. Grid loading now occurs sequentially as part of the analysis steps, reducing memory usage.
  • Reservoir and Lake datasets may now be unloaded from the New Configuration wizard if they have been loaded in error.
  • The dialog for entering bank height now shows the non-selected option greyed out.
  • A fix is included for a bug that caused the summary budget to become unbalanced when the gully erosion reduction factor was changed.
  • The Landuse change tool has been redesigned to improve usability.
  • The USLE tool has been simplified and is less memory intensive.
  • Blocks of links can be selected in the Link Data, Riparian Vegetation and Gully Erosion windows by holding the shift key down while selecting the block limits
  • The Summary budget can now be exported, as a text file, or copied to the clipboard so that it can be pasted directly into another application such as Word.
  • Scenario attributes from Contributor, and also the link ID, are now exported.
  • A Disaggregation tool has been added to fit rating curves to observed suspended sediment concentration data and generate load time-series and exceedance curves.
  • The User Guide has been updated, as detailed in the Version History at the start of the document.

Known Issues:

Large Grids
Defining a stream network on DEMs with greater than 20 million cells may cause a memory over-run. This over-run is caused by a .NET limitation on memory allocation. It is possible to overcome this memory limitation by instructing SedNet to use "Compressed" grids. This is done in the Edit Raster Properties tool by specifying a threshold beyond which SedNet will compress the grids in memory. The default threshold is 30 million cells. If you are experiencing memory issues and your grids have more cells than the specified threshold, go to the same menu item and reduce the value of "Tile Height". CAUTION: The method of compressing grids is not fully tested yet. It has been tested successfully in the pit filler, but not in stream definition. Grid compression significantly slows processing; it may take 48 hours or more to run stream define on a DEM above 40 million cells.

Scenario Manager Window
When running the sediment budget (?Run? button), a warning balloon pops up to say: "Flow is out of date. Changes to regulated flow have been made without recalculating flow. The results from this run may not be what you expect." The balloon should only pop up if you make changes in the Regulated Flow Window but do not click ?Run? in the regulated flow window. In this release the warning pops up even if you have just run regulated flow. A related issue is that in the Regulated Flow Window, the Run button may not grey out after running regulated flow.

New Scenario Wizard and Regulated Flow Window
When loading a gauge shape file, the program will ask which item is the gauge name, if the data type of the selected item is set to text rather than some numeric type an error will be generated when the program tries to load the data.


Released: Jun 17, 2005
Licence Date: Mar 30, 2005

This release contains a fix for a bug in the floodplain extent module of SedNet. The release is otherwise identical to SedNet 1.3.0.

This error affects prediction of floodplain deposition under circumstances described below, and consequently affects the suspended sediment OUTPUTS of the summary budget. The bug does not affect any other aspect of SedNet software such as sediment INPUTS, or bedload deposition OUTPUTS.

Due to a programming error, if the cell size (resolution) of the DEM and floodplain grids is different, the calculation of floodplain width and area, and floodplain sediment deposition is incorrect. If the cell size of the floodplain grid is larger than that of the DEM, then floodplain deposition is over-predicted, resulting in under-prediction of suspended sediment export. Conversely, if the cell size of the floodplain grid is smaller than that of the DEM, then floodplain deposition is under-predicted.

If the resolution of the DEM and floodplain grids are identical, this software error has no effect on the model results. Where the resolutions are different, there are two alternatives for overcoming the software error: (1) Update to SedNet 1.3.7. (2) Alternatively, prior releases of SedNet will operate correctly provided the floodplain grid is resampled to the same resolution as the DEM, and new configuration and scenarios are created.


Released: Mar 30, 2005
Licence Date: Mar 30, 2005

Release notes, SedNet version 1.3.0

This release provides many small improvements to the previous release, including fixing some known bugs. The improvements are listed below, and further details can be obtained here.

Improvements made in this release:

  • During stream definition, links longer than 15 km are now split into two links, to make the sub-catchment size, and model resolution, more uniform.
  • Pre-European riparian vegetation cover is now represented as a value between 0 and 1, this was previously represented as a percentage. There is no need to update old scenarios as this value was not previously saved. It is important however to check that this value is correct.
  • The maximum value of the ?minimum first order link length? has been changed to 20 km.
  • Gauges with runoff coefficient > 1 (physically impossible) are now excluded from the flow regionalisation, and a warning message identifies the gauges concerned.
  • Gauges with data format problems are identified in a pup-up message.
  • Calculation of sediment supply from Gully erosion is now split between the spatial data and sedmodel modules. The spatial data module now calculates only gully length in each sub-catchment, and the sedmodel module converts this to t/y (was previously all in the spatial data module). This change has accompanied the introduction of features to modify gully cross section and sediment supply rate (see below).
  • Gully erosion reduction factor can now vary between 0 and 1 to reduce export of suspended sediment.
  • Gully cross section area can now be defined by users.
  • Bank height can now vary with catchment area, as well as specifying a uniform value.
  • Number of sub-catchments generated is reported in the new configuration wizard.
  • Several minor corrections and improvements to the interface have been made, including:
    • The description of configurations and scenarios can now be edited.
    • A button has been added to the scenario editor window, enabling direct access to the regulated flow window. The intent is to provide access to all scenario editing features from the scenario editor window.
    • Specific gully erosion (t/km^2/y), specific hillslope erosion (t/km^2/y), and specific bank erosion (t/km/y) columns have been added to improve prioritising of erosion controls.
    • A bug preventing sorting tabular data has been fixed.
    • Faulty Progress bars have been fixed.
    • Several warning messages have been added to assist troubleshooting incorrect data.
    • The text of several attributes in interface has been corrected from kt/y to t/y.
    • ?Average Floodplain Area? has been changed to ?Average Floodplain Width?.
    • ?Link Slope %? has been changed to ?Link Slope?.

Known issues:

New Configuration Wizard
  • (Refer to the eGroup email regarding use of RAM. ) Defining a stream network on DEMs with greater than 20 million cells may cause a memory over-run. This over-run is caused by a .NET limitation on memory allocation. Above 40 million cells, grids are ?tiled? into small chunks, so as to prevent such memory over-runs. However, we have recently become aware that the memory limitation is lower than previously thought. Defining a stream network on a DEM below the threshold should take less than 4 hours. For DEMs above the threshold, the process may take 100 times as long and has not been fully tested. We are working on improvements to this situation; in the meantime it is suggested that large DEMs be resampled to a larger cell size to bring them below 20 million cells.
  • Lake or reservoir shapefiles cannot be removed if these datasets are loaded by accident.
  • Clicking ?cancel? in the New Configuration Wizard unloads the existing configuration. This is to prevent a memory over-run.
  • The Summary budget is unbalanced when gully reduction value is changed, this can be corrected by running the model again.
Scenario Manager Window
  • When running the sediment budget (?Run? button), a warning balloon pops up to say: "Flow is out of date. Changes to regulated flow have been made without recalculating flow. The results from this run may not be what you expect." The balloon should only pop up if you make changes in the Regulated Flow Window but do not click ?Run? in the regulated flow window. In this release the warning pops up even if you have just run regulated flow. A related issue is that in the Regulated Flow Window, the Run button may not grey out after running regulated flow.
New Scenario Wizard and Regulated Flow Window
  • When loading a gauge shape file, the program will ask which item is the gauge name, if the data type of the selected item is set to text rather than some numeric type an error will be generated when the program tries to load the data.


Released: Jan 12, 2005
Licence Date: Dec 23, 2004

Improvements made in this release:

This release contains all the features of version 1.2.0 but the expiry date has been removed.

  • This release marks the addition of the Contributor module. Contributor calculates the contribution of each link or sub-catchment to suspended sediment load at a specified point. This is useful for prioritising erosion control, if reducing suspended sediment export is the goal of erosion control or catchment management.
  • A problem in previous releases with trimming first order links, which occurred especially when a large minimum length value was specified, has been fixed. This fix is still to be fully tested.
  • The maximum value on the riparian vegetation slider bar has been increased from 150% (of current proportion of riparian vegetation) to 300%. This makes it easier to use the slider bar to simulate larger amounts of revegetation.
  • The order of layers in the Layers Window has been reversed, with the top layer in the Map Frame now being the top layer in the Layers Window.
  • Contextual data can be added to the Map Frame to assist recognising locations in the catchment. The data formats for context layers are shapefiles and ascii grids.
  • A minimum area threshold of 5 km2 has been introduced for defining a stream network. This value is smaller than that appropriate for defining stream networks for sediment budgets.
  • Numerous minor interface improvements have been made; for example the link from the Help menu to the User Guide has been repaired.

Known issues:
New Configuration Wizard
  • Defining a stream network on DEMs with greater than 40 million cells (the threshold size above which grids are ?tiled?, that is they are loaded into memory in small chunks) is extremely slow. Defining a stream network on a DEM below the threshold should take less than 4 hours. For DEMs above the threshold, the process may take 100 times as long and has not been fully tested. We hope to improve this situation for the next release. In the meantime it is suggested that large DEMs be resampled to a larger cell size to bring them below 40 million cells.
  • Loading a reservoir before loading the DEM results in nothing being shown in the preview pane
  • There is no way of removing lake or reservoir shapefiles if these datasets are loaded by accident.
  • In both the New Configuration Wizard and New Scenario Wizard, going back through steps that have involved data processing (rather than simply loading datasets) may produce an error. Clicking cancel while processing is underway may also produce errors. Examples of such steps are defining the stream network in the New Configuration Wizard, and running Spatial Analysis in the New Scenario Wizard. Rather than going backwards or cancelling, if incorrect datasets or parameters have been entered, you will need to start the wizard again each time.
  • Network Configuration WINDOW: Floodplain area is reported rather than floodplain width.

New Scenario Wizard
  • When running the New Scenario Wizard in batch mode, the ?Input Spatial Data Summary? step does not display the dataset filenames for review, although the datasets selected are loaded correctly.
  • The progress bars for loading and calculating regulated flow changes sometimes do not indicate progress properly.

Scenario Manager Window
  • When running the sediment budget (?Run? button), a warning balloon pops up to say: "Flow is out of date. Changes to regulated flow have been made without recalculating flow. The results from this run may not be what you expect." The balloon should only pop up if you make changes in the Regulated Flow Window, but do not click ?Run? to calculate the changes before running the sediment budget. However, in this release it pops up even if you have just run regulated flow. A related issue is that in the Regulated Flow Window, the Run button may not grey out after running regulated flow.
  • Scenarios created in previous releases are generally compatible with this release. The only problem encountered prior to release with using old scenarios, is that in the contributor mode, the stream network layer is incorrectly labelled as ?Arcslayer? in the Layers Window.


Released: Dec 23, 2004
Licence Date: Dec 23, 2004

Release notes, SedNet version 1.2.0

Improvements made in this release:

  • This release marks the addition of the Contributor module. Contributor calculates the contribution of each link or sub-catchment to suspended sediment load at a specified point. This is useful for prioritising erosion control, if reducing suspended sediment export is the goal of erosion control or catchment management.
  • A problem in previous releases with trimming first order links, which occurred especially when a large minimum length value was specified, has been fixed. This fix is still to be fully tested.
  • The maximum value on the riparian vegetation slider bar has been increased from 150% (of current proportion of riparian vegetation) to 300%. This makes it easier to use the slider bar to simulate larger amounts of revegetation.
  • The order of layers in the Layers Window has been reversed, with the top layer in the Map Frame now being the top layer in the Layers Window.
  • Contextual data can be added to the Map Frame to assist recognising locations in the catchment. The data formats for context layers are shapefiles and ascii grids.
  • A minimum area threshold of 5 km2 has been introduced for defining a stream network. This value is smaller than that appropriate for defining stream networks for sediment budgets.
  • Numerous minor interface improvements have been made; for example the link from the Help menu to the User Guide has been repaired.

Known issues:
New Configuration Wizard
  • Defining a stream network on DEMs with greater than 40 million cells (the threshold size above which grids are ?tiled?, that is they are loaded into memory in small chunks) is extremely slow. Defining a stream network on a DEM below the threshold should take less than 4 hours. For DEMs above the threshold, the process may take 100 times as long and has not been fully tested. We hope to improve this situation for the next release. In the meantime it is suggested that large DEMs be resampled to a larger cell size to bring them below 40 million cells.
  • Loading a reservoir before loading the DEM results in nothing being shown in the preview pane
  • There is no way of removing lake or reservoir shapefiles if these datasets are loaded by accident.
  • In both the New Configuration Wizard and New Scenario Wizard, going back through steps that have involved data processing (rather than simply loading datasets) may produce an error. Clicking cancel while processing is underway may also produce errors. Examples of such steps are defining the stream network in the New Configuration Wizard, and running Spatial Analysis in the New Scenario Wizard. Rather than going backwards or cancelling, if incorrect datasets or parameters have been entered, you will need to start the wizard again each time.
  • Network Configuration WINDOW: Floodplain area is reported rather than floodplain width.

New Scenario Wizard
  • When running the New Scenario Wizard in batch mode, the ?Input Spatial Data Summary? step does not display the dataset filenames for review, although the datasets selected are loaded correctly.
  • The progress bars for loading and calculating regulated flow changes sometimes do not indicate progress properly.

Scenario Manager Window
  • When running the sediment budget (?Run? button), a warning balloon pops up to say: "Flow is out of date. Changes to regulated flow have been made without recalculating flow. The results from this run may not be what you expect." The balloon should only pop up if you make changes in the Regulated Flow Window, but do not click ?Run? to calculate the changes before running the sediment budget. However, in this release it pops up even if you have just run regulated flow. A related issue is that in the Regulated Flow Window, the Run button may not grey out after running regulated flow.
  • Scenarios created in previous releases are generally compatible with this release. The only problem encountered prior to release with using old scenarios, is that in the contributor mode, the stream network layer is incorrectly labelled as ?Arcslayer? in the Layers Window.


Released: Oct 21, 2004
Licence Date: Aug 23, 2004

Release notes for SedNet 1.1.6

The main purpose of this release is to improve the stability of the network generation in the New Configuration Wizard. This release is non-beta, it has been tested against the ArcInfo implementation of SedNet in several catchments

1. Improvements in SedNet 1.1.6

  • Some corrections to interface text have been made regarding units and descriptions
  • Values for the regionalisation parameters can now be changed interactively. This is useful in catchments that have insufficient stream gauges to compute an accurate regionalisation
  • In the riparian vegetation editor a bug that prevented the user making changes when the sorting of the list is fixed.
  • There is now a ?Save copy as? feature for scenarios ( Right click on a scenario to access this feature ).

2 Known issues with SedNet 1.1.6

New Configuration Wizard

  • Defining a stream network on DEMs with greater than 40 million cells (the threshold size above which grids are ?tiled?, that is they are loaded into memory in small chunks) is extremely slow. Defining a stream network on a DEM below the threshold should take less than 4 hours. For DEMs above the threshold, the process may take 100 times as long and has not been fully tested. We are looking to improve this situation for the next release but in the meantime it is suggested that large DEMs be resampled to a larger cell size to bring them below 40 million cells.
  • There is a problem with trimming short first-order links when defining the stream network. This may result in some first order links shorter than the value specified not being trimmed.
  • Loading a reservoir before loading the DEM results in nothing being shown in the preview pane
  • There is no way of removing lake or reservoir shapefiles if these features do not exist in the catchment but datasets are loaded by accident.
  • There is no minimum value enforced for the catchment area threshold. Sensible values are recommended in the User Guide.
  • In both the New Configuration Wizard and New Scenario Wizard, going back through steps that have involved data processing (rather than simply loading datasets) may produce an error. Clicking cancel while processing is underway may also produce errors. Examples of such steps are defining the stream network in the New Configuration Wizard, and running Spatial Analysis in the New Scenario Wizard. Rather than going backwards or cancelling, if incorrect datasets or parameters have been entered, you will need to start the wizard again each time.
  • Network Configuration WINDOW: Floodplain area is reported rather than floodplain width.

New Scenario Wizard

  • When running the New Scenario Wizard in batch mode, the ?Input Spatial Data Summary? step does not display the dataset filenames for review, although the datasets selected are loaded correctly.
  • The progress bars for loading and calculating regulated flow changes sometimes do not indicate progress properly.

Scenario Manager Window

  • When running the sediment budget (?Run? button), a warning balloon pops up to say: "Flow is out of date. Changes to regulated flow have been made without recalculating flow. The results from this run may not be what you expect." The balloon should pop up if you make changes in the Regulated Flow Window but do not click ?Run? to calculate the changes before running the sediment budget, however in this release it pops up even if you have just run regulated flow. A related issue is that in the Regulated Flow Window, the Run button may not grey out after running regulated flow.


Released: Aug 23, 2004
Licence Date: Aug 23, 2004

Release notes for SedNet 1.1

The purpose of this release is to remove numerical inconsistencies that were present in Version 1.0.2b, and also to improve stability (prevent crashes).

Numeric accuracy of this release has been tested, successfully, against the original ArcInfo implementation of SedNet. Although the sediment budgets are ?correct?, users should not expect to reproduce results identical to those in CSIRO Land and Water Technical Reports of SedNet studies, because the methods used to define the stream network differ slightly. In particular, splitting of links at reservoirs and lakes, and stream routing over flat areas differ slightly and this affects link slope. Some of these differences will be removed in future versions but they do not affect the utility of the software.

This version is a big improvement on the previous release, and all existing SedNet users should install this version. Major changes are listed below (brackets refer to the relevant section of the User Guide). Some known issues, which were unable to be solved prior to this release, are listed below for information.

1 Changes to data requirements in SedNet 1.1

(Section 6.5) A point shapefile of dams is no longer required, and the reservoir capacity is now loaded as a field in the reservoir polygon shapefile. Configurations created using previous versions should still open in Version 1.1.

(Section 6.3) SedNet can now define a stream network across flat areas in the DEM, avoiding the need for time-consuming flat-filling. However, the DEM must be pit-filled using the TIME pit-filler supplied with SedNet. Pit-filling in other GIS software is not sufficient.

(Section 6.7) A maximum value of the ?minimum first order link length? of 2 km has been enforced.

(Sections 3.1, 6.2) Shapefile datasets should have a maximum filename length of 8 characters. This also means that the Configuration name should be no longer than 8 characters. This avoids difficulties on some computers with opening dbf files with names longer than 8 characters.

2 Other improvements in SedNet 1.1

(Section 2.1) A minimum display resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels is advised in the user guide to ensure correct viewing of the interface.

(Sections 5.4, 6.17) The flow module has been part of the successful testing of numerical accuracy. Also, the ?new scenario wizard? now allows viewing of the flow regionalisation data and fitted curves. Warning balloons will display if gauges do not snap to the stream network correctly

(Section 6.2) The threshold grid size above which grids are tiled to reduce memory usage has been reduced from 50 million cells to 40 million cells, to ensure that creating a new configuration runs on grids just below the threshold without running out of memory.

(Section 5.3.2) A minimum value of 50 years for gully age is now enforced (maximum 1000 years).

(Section 5.4.1) Limits on regionalisation parameters updated.

3 Known issues with SedNet 1.1

New Configuration Wizard
  • Defining a stream network on DEMs with greater than 40 million cells (the threshold size above which grids are ?tiled?, that is they are loaded into memory in small chunks) is extremely slow. Defining a stream network on a DEM below the threshold should take less than 4 hours. For DEMs above the threshold, the process may take 100 times as long and has not been fully tested. We are looking to improve this situation for the next release but in the meantime it is suggested that large DEMs be resampled to a larger cell size to bring them below 40 million cells.
  • There is a problem with trimming short first-order links when defining the stream network. This may result in some first order links shorter than the value specified not being trimmed.
  • Loading a reservoir before loading the DEM results in nothing being shown in the preview pane
  • There is no way of removing lake or reservoir shapefiles if these features do not exist in the catchment but datasets are loaded by accident.
  • There is no minimum value enforced for the catchment area threshold. Sensible values are recommended in the User Guide.
  • In both the New Configuration Wizard and New Scenario Wizard, going back through steps that have involved data processing (rather than simply loading datasets) may produce an error. Clicking cancel while processing is underway may also produce errors. Examples of such steps are defining the stream network in the New Configuration Wizard, and running Spatial Analysis in the New Scenario Wizard. Rather than going backwards or cancelling, if incorrect datasets or parameters have been entered, you will need to start the wizard again each time.
  • In the New Configuration Wizard, the ?average sub-catchment size? can be edited on the interface, although it is an output rather than an input.
  • Network Configuration WINDOW: Floodplain area is reported rather than floodplain width.
New Scenario Wizard
  • It is not possible to copy scenarios. Duplicate scenarios must be created using the New Scenario Wizard.
  • When running the New Scenario Wizard in batch mode, the ?Input Spatial Data Summary? step does not display the dataset filenames for review, although the datasets selected are loaded correctly.
  • It is not possible to manually change the flow regionalisation parameters for sigma-daily. Going backwards in the wizard once the parameters have been calculated may result in an error.
  • The progress bars for loading and calculating regulated flow changes sometimes do not indicate progress properly.
Scenario Manager Window
  • When running the sediment budget (?Run? button), a warning balloon pops up to say: "Flow is out of date. Changes to regulated flow have been made without recalculating flow. The results from this run may not be what you expect." The balloon should pop up if you make changes in the Regulated Flow Window but do click ?Run? to calculate the changes before running the sediment budget, however in this release it pops up even if you have just run regulated flow. A related issue is that in the Regulated Flow Window, the Run button may not grey out after running regulated flow.


Released: May 11, 2004
Licence Date: Feb 10, 2004

Version 1.0.2b expired on 25 June 2004

The current version of SedNet (version 1.0.2b) expired on 25 June 2004.

Unfortunately there have been some problems during development of the next version of the SedNet software and consequently the release of a new version of SedNet has been delayed. We expect that it may take up to 6 weeks before the new version meets our requirements for release.

In the meantime, Toolkit members are able to download the existing beta SedNet which has a modified expiry date of 1 March 2005 (from Wednesday 30 June 2004). Please note the limitations of this version as outlined on this Version History page.

We apologise for this situation and will email Catchment Modelling Toolkit members and the SedNet eGroup as soon as a new version is available.


Scott Wilkinson
SedNet Product Manager
25 June 2004


Released: Feb 24, 2004
Licence Date: Feb 10, 2004

Beta Release

Please use this version for familiarisation only. The calculation of bankfull flow is incorrect and tends to give results that are too low. This is causing excessive levels of floodplain deposition. We are working on the issue and hope to have a fix soon. If you have Auto-detect update turned on you will be advised of any updates. We will also notify you of updates via the e-group.

If you detect any other issues, please submit a bug report via the website or post a message to the e-group.


Released: Feb 10, 2004
Licence Date: Feb 10, 2004

The first public release of SedNet. This version computes only sediment budgets.


Released: Feb 3, 2004
Licence Date: Feb 3, 2004

Internal Beta Release


  • The budget now balances - there was an error in the summary page, the data was always correct.
  • Configurations now load much faster and there was a bug where some layers couldn't be viewed. These are now fixed.
  • More helpful error messages, no more annoying dialog box when you load a configuration.


Released: Dec 30, 2003
Licence Date: Dec 30, 2003

Internal Beta Release


Scientific development

SedNet was developed by CSIRO Land and Water as part of the National Land and Water Resources Audit.

Ian Prosser led the initial scientific development, with other contributors including Bill Young, Scott Wilkinson, Andrew Hughes, Ron DeRose, Chris Moran, Paul Rustomji, Anne Henderson and Arthur Read.

Software development

The implementation of SedNet as an application in the Catchment Modelling Toolkit has received support from the Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology.

The software development team is Scott Wilkinson, Geoff Davis, Arthur Read, Yun Chen, Harold Hotham and Shane Seaton (CSIRO Land and Water).

We also acknowledge the River Assessment Package team for functions used in flow time-series analysis, and the Rainfall-Runoff Library team for providing functions used in the flow regionalisation procedure.

Beta testing and manuscript review

Assistance from Nick Murray and Susan Cuddy (CSIRO Land and Water), Rob Argent (University of Melbourne), Carolyn Young, Christoph Zierholz and Guy Geeves (NSW Department of Infrastruture, Planning and Natural Resources) is gratefully acknowledged.

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