eFlow Predictor Help
Help file for eFlow Predictor
eFlow Predictor
eFlow Predictor Release Notes for version 2.0.3
A numerical bug has been identified in this product. The latest version 2.03 of eFlow Predictor has corrected the numerical bug which may affect some users. Download and install the new version of eFlow Predictor to resolve this issue.
eFlow Release Notes version 2.03.pdf
eFlow Predictor Testing of Computation Procedures
This comparison table compiles a list of test projects from the eFlow Predictor: Testing of Computation Procedures document, as well as some additional ones, which compares the results for between releases. In this way it is clear to expert users what scenarios have been considered in the testing regime and what ones we haven’t.
version results comparison 2_0_3 170111.xlsx
Flow rule types considered for testing
The zip file that shows how flow rule types considered in the testing carried out for eFlow Predictor. If testers find a rule type has not been covered in this testing regime, they can send their scenario to us to append to this list.
eFlow Predictor
eFlow Predictor Testing of Computation Procedures Report