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Phone: 1300 5 WATER (1300 5 92837)

Innovation Centre
University of Canberra
ACT 2601

History & Credit

Version history

Version 3.0.13

Released: Aug 30, 2017
Licence Date: Mar 8, 2013

Minor bug fixes Removed the ‘use risk based rules’ option for the flow rule definitions. (risk based rules are a legacy term from the earliest version)

Version 3.0.5

Released: Mar 8, 2013
Licence Date: Mar 8, 2013

Included Import / Export for rules

Version 2.0.4

Released: Jul 20, 2011
Licence Date: Nov 11, 2010

Corrected an interface issue with the rule editor when the return interval was greater than 10 years.
Added a scroll bar to the risk based panel.

Version 2.0.3

Released: Jan 10, 2011
Licence Date: Nov 11, 2010

From Version 2.0.2,

  1. The season picker for low flow rules has been altered to not base season length on a leap year so that the maximum year is now 365 days, not 366. Previously users would have to manually change the season length to reduce it by one day.
  2. The low flow rule was considering 'single longest' events of the period specified in reporting the rule success. This has been changed to considering total accumulated event length (same as 'total duration' in the flood/fresh rule).
  3. Where multiple rules required augmentation on the same day, only the last augmentation was being recorded. this is now changed so that the largest augmentation is recorded.

Version 2.0.2

Released: Dec 23, 2010
Licence Date: Nov 11, 2010

2.0.2 corrects a numerical bug where rule sets with multiple rules with overlapping reporting seasons were inconsistently recording the start and end of events. This particularly effected rules with multi-year return periods as these are calculated from the event start and end dates. Users with multi-rule projects developed in previous versions should re-apply the project files in this version or higher to check if the issue effects them. additionally, the 'force' number of years picker has been changed to allow users to select a number of years down to the 'return period' for forcing augmentation (it was previously calculated as a multiple of the reporting period which created some confusion).

Version 2.0.0

Released: Nov 11, 2010
Licence Date: Nov 11, 2010

This release includes a new eWater licence

Version 1.4.1

Released: Sep 7, 2010
Licence Date: Jul 21, 2010

Version 1.4.0

Released: Jul 21, 2010
Licence Date: Jul 21, 2010

public release candidate, includes volume rule

Version 1.3.4b

Released: Mar 9, 2010
Licence Date: Feb 10, 2010

From Version 1.3.3b to version 1.3.4b: The independence criteria for 'between event' periods has been added for the option of 'total duration' flow rules, whereby a successful flow rule may be achieved by multiple short events which are separated by the independence criteria. This functionality would have previously been achieved using the 'number' of events criteria.

Version 1.3.3b

Released: Feb 22, 2010
Licence Date: Feb 10, 2010

From version 1.3.2 to 1.3.3b. the three rates or rise and fall options now works in conjunction with the forecast functionality and for multiple rules.

Version 1.3.2b

Released: Feb 10, 2010
Licence Date: Feb 10, 2010

Version 1.3.1b to 1.3.2b: refinement of rates of rise and fall and how it works with the forecast, version 1.3.1b provided some 'incomplete' events, where flow did not ramp consistently back to the pre-event level. Version 1.2.0 to 1.3.1b allows the user to set rates of rise and fall when applying a flow rule. Three alternative rise and fall methods can be selected; 1) days, 2) rate and 3) percentage. For the ‘days’ method, the user sets the number of days for the rise and number of days for the fall, for the ‘rate’ method, the user sets the maximum volumetric change per day (e.g. 3000 ML/d) and for the ‘percentage’ method, the user sets a maximum percentage change in flow from one day to the next (e.g. 20% ).

Version 1.2.0b

Released: Mar 11, 2009
Licence Date: Mar 11, 2009

From 1.0.0b to 1.1.0b - Monte Carlo runner added to allow the testing alternative flow augmentation options. From 1.1.0b to 1.2.0b - added ability to save Monte Carlo Time Series, - added 'nested rule' functionality to allow dependence between rules - added 'forcast' option to look ahead a prescribed time period before making an assessment to augment the flow.


Nick Marsh - Concept development, software design and development.

Tory Grice - Interface design and documentation.

Sylvain Arene - Software development.

Trevor Pickett - Prototype development.

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